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First UHPC Bridge in the US to use a Reduced Steel Fiber Dosage

Steel fibers account for50% to 70% of the raw material cost of UHPC. Reducing steel fiber content is a highly effective way to reduce overall UHPC cost. With the new AASHTO UHPC Design Guide’s focus on performance and NOT quantity of steel fiber, cost reduction through lower dosage is now feasible with HiPer Type X steel fibers. 

The bridge below has a 100% UHPC superstructure and replaces a deteriorated reinforced concrete bridge over a drain. It is the FIRST bridge in the US to utilize only 1.5% by volume of steel fiber (200 lb per cubic yard) in its joints. Compare that to the typical steel fiber dosage of about 3% by volume steel fibers (400 lbs per cubic yard). 

The reduced dosage resulted in UHPC performance parameters that were well in excess of the design values, thus opening the door to further reduction in steel fiber amount and hence greater savings. 

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